Top 8 Technology Considerations for Fast & Accurate Background Screening

February 28, 2024

Technology is changing our lives everyday. It is the cornerstone of being able to perform fast, accurate, and reliable background checks that are compatible with the current privacy standards. 

Here are the top things to look for when considering your organization’s background screening needs: 

  1. Automation
    Automation improves efficiency, reliability, and speed in background screening. Essential automation includes gathering, storing, and populating applicant information across different forms and databases – while ensuring privacy and legal compliance. Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology will further enhance automation by reviewing and cross-referencing huge amounts of data very quickly, providing a far more thorough and accurate background check. 
  2. Continuous Screening & Monitoring
    Because as time passes, people and life circumstances change, therefore background checks change over time as well. Many background screening tools now use continuous screening and monitoring to end-users of arrest, incarceration, driving violations, etc. to alert them of potential issues.
  3. User Experience:
    If a background check cannot be easily performed in terms of inputting information and running it, or the results cannot be easily understood (or takes a long time to review and understand the risks) then the user experience is greatly impaired.
  4. Candidate Experience
    If the applicant can easily understand the requirements and provide the required information quickly and without redundancy, the process becomes smoother and enhances their experience with your company, even before they are hired. 
  5. Scalability
    Background screening workloads are dynamic, so when it comes to scalability, look for: 

    • -Cloud-based solutions, which lead to increased flexibility and functionality with demand fluctuations
    • -Server, storage and network virtualization capabilities and uptime
    • -Real time data replication and disaster recovery 
    • -Redundant and secure storage and distribution channels
    • -Competitive pricing, and even alternative pricing models, like subscription-based 
  6. Customer Support
    Look for a partner that has humans that are available to assist, particularly during working hours when you’re trying to run fast and reliable background checks. Also, make sure your technology provider can support you in terms of your company’s marketing, branding, and domain, as well as with your workflow and compliance requirements. 
  7. SecurityEnsuring that your data is secure is of paramount importance, especially in the modern world so dominated by technology. With access to private information involved in background screening comes rigorous security standards—both to prevent unauthorized access and to avert the loss or destruction of critical data. When deciding on a technology partner, it’s crucial to understand what measures are in place to ensure your data is secure, such as: 
    • -System redundancy 
    • -Multi factor authorization
    • -Data encryption 
    • -Continuous monitoring systems 
    • -Comprehensive security compliance 
  8. ATS/Integrations:
    Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) have become essential in the background checking process in order to streamline workflow, eliminate duplication of data entry, and monitor candidates as they move through the job application process. The integration of these systems also give the user a view of all applicant information in one place. Having a coordinated and automated workflow gives users the ability to connect to a wide range of ATS partners.

Kredifi can help you affordably check off all the boxes, with extended customer support, affordable pricing options and simple invoicing, quick and easy set up, and fast turnaround times. Contact us for more information here.

For even more comprehensive guidance on choosing a partner for background checks, check out this white paper: Guide to Helping Background Screening Companies Select a Technology Platform Partner, as featured on


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